Before you begin marketing your home or screening tenants, you need to understand rent control and ensure your property is ready for the rental market. Today, we’re discussing a few of the important steps you need to take before you rent out your Hayward investment home.
Clean Your Rental Property Thoroughly
If you’re renting your property out for the first time, you probably just bought the home or you’ve been living there. You have to get it clean. Hire professional cleaners and get the home in a perfectly clean condition before tenants move in.
Take Care of Maintenance and Repairs
Once the property is clean, do a visual inspection of the home, inside and out. See if anything is out of place or needs to be fixed before you have tenants moving in. Look for major issues like water leaks or wires that may be hanging out of walls and ceilings. Check for black spotting in the bathrooms or places around the house. Do some spraying for pests and look for issues that may become problems.
The purpose of all this work is to make your house perfect for incoming tenants. You want to show your renters what you expect the home to look like when they move out. Providing a home that’s in great condition will help you hold them accountable at the end of the tenancy. Put some new paint on the walls, take care of minor repairs, and get the place ready for your new tenants.
If you have any questions about getting your property ready for the rental market, please contact us at The HLW Group.